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Jan 14, 2024 | Generative AI

AI search engine Perplexity has recently received a lot of buzz as an alternative to ChatGPT. That buzz has led to a $74 million investment round, reportedly valuing the company at $520 million. The company bills Perplexity as a “conversational search engine” powered in part by OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Unlike ChatGPT, Perplexity provides citations by default for the information it delivers. That feature is crucial given generative AI’s hallucination issues. However, Google Bard and Microsoft Copilot chatbots already supply citations in their answers, eliminating Perplexity’s unique selling proposition.

Subscribers to Perplexity’s Pro plan ($20 per month) can choose between AI models, including Google’s Gemini, Mistra 7Bl, Anthropic’s Claude 2.1 and OpenAI’s GPT-4.

Pricing: Pro: $20/mo. (300 daily queries).

Michael Tchong

Michael Tchong

Founder, Author, Adjunct Professor, Futurist

Michael is the founder of Toolhacker LLC, an innovation speaker and adjunct professor at the University of San Francisco, futurist, and author of “Ubertrends — How Trends And Innovation Are Transforming Our Future.” He is also the founder of four ahead-of-the-wave startups, including MacWEEK, Atelier Systems, CyberAtlas, and ICONOCAST.

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